摘 要:德士古(Texaco)水煤漿加壓氣化技術(shù)主要原料為水煤漿,深入了解煤種及煤漿特性對氣化工藝的影響,將有助于正確的選擇氣化工藝,指導生產(chǎn)平穩(wěn)運行。介紹了煤種的主要特性和水煤漿的基本特性。指出灰分含量少、煤灰熔融溫度低的原煤有利于氣化爐穩(wěn)定高效的運行;變質(zhì)程度深、內(nèi)水含量少的煤種則容易制成高濃度的水煤漿;性能好的水煤漿,要具有高濃度、低粘度、流動性好、穩(wěn)定性好等特點,以適合貯運及氣化。
中圖分類號:F426;TQ536 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1003—5095(2011)02—0006—04
Analysis about the Characters of Coal and CoaI Slurry Process in the Texaco
HAN Jin-qi
(Beijing Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd, Beijing 100011,China)
Abstract:Coal slurry is the main material in the Texaco coal gasification process,so doing researches to the characters of coal and coal slurry is helpful for choosing proper gasification process and instructing the running of the Texaco plant.To introduce the characters of coal and coal slurry.The coal with less ashes and lower ash melting point makes the Texaco gasifier more stable and efficient.While the coal with deeper transformation and less inner water makes it easier to produce coal slurry which with higher concentration.The high qualitie....